Precast is a design office operating in the field of construction projects. Our specialization lies in reinforced concrete precast structures, although our portfolio also includes steel structures. Our projects can be found in Poland, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.

Following the latest trends, we work with BIM technology. Our services include the preparation of:

  • 3D calculation models and calculation documentation using programs such as AxisVM, Idea Statica, and Tedds
  • 3D structural models and drawing documentation using Tekla Structures, allowing us to provide the necessary documentation during the building construction process

The integration of the two most important parts of the structural project—static calculations and 3D models with drawing documentation—within one design office allows us to solve problems early in the project, leading to a reduction in both cost and work time in the factory and on the construction site.

In addition to managing projects independently, we also coordinate models and lead meetings with all trades involved in the design process.

In our projects, we strive to ensure ease of work for those preparing prefabricated elements in the factory as well as on the construction site by using clear drawings, proven solutions, and comprehensive listings of elements and reinforcement. We provide Unitechnik files that allow the reproduction of the element’s geometry on the production table. We also ensure that our calculations are based on clear assumptions and that the report is a coherent whole.

After modeling the structure, we are able to provide the investor with accurate data on the time required to complete the project, with precision down to the day or week.

Precast has won the Tekla BIM Awards four times:

  1. In 2020, with the Lidl Ballymun project in the public voting category
  2. In 2021, with the Hampton Wood project in the commercial projects category
  3. In 2022, with the Ormond project in the public voting category
  4. In 2023, with the Carriglea project (Phases 1 and 2) in the commercial projects category
Precast BIM design
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