Glenamuck Road


Glenamuck Road

13 360m2

area of walls


volume of concrete


number of floors
Glenamuck Road is a residential project located in the suburbs of Dublin. Investment, consisting of 4 residential blocks provides 119 units, gym, creche and amenity center for inhabitants. Our scope was to provide structural model in precast technology and therefore provide general arrangement and production drawings for all precast elements. Developing of BIM model allowed for efficient coordination of all involved parties. Additional advantage of our project approach was a possibility of preparing very accurate schedule of works adjusted to the needs of Factory and main Contractor. Digital twin of investment allows for providing material list and all required quantities required from production point of view. The main structure of the building, consists of walls 200mm thick, hollowcores 200mm thick and 75mm of screed and various concrete columns, concrete and steel beams.  Underground floors have been made as in-situ.
Project name:
Glenamuck Road
Number of floors:
Block G1: 7
Block G2: 6
Block H1: 6
Block H2: 6
Area of walls gross/net:
Block G1: 3 413 / 2 701 m2
Block G2: 3 461/2 856 m2
Block H1: 3 734/3 083 m2
Block H2: 3 347/2 729 m2
Alltogether: 13 360/10 875 m2
Area of floor per level:
Block G1: 467 m2
Block G2: 473 m2
Block H1: 719 m2
Block H2: 604 m2
Area of floors for all levels:
Block G1: 2 432 m2
Block G2: 2 231 m2
Block H1: 3 469 m2
Block H2: 2 699 m2
Alltogether: 10 831 m2
Volume of concrete used:
Block G1: 1 129m3
Block G2: 1 030 m3
Block H1: 1 347 m3
Block H2: 1 198 m3
Alltogether: 4 704 m3
Number of makesheets
2 001
Number of general arrangement drawings
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